Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Evolution of Educational Malpractice

The systematic destruction of quality education began long before you were  sitting in your "Reading First" literacy training learning about the "correct" and absolute way to teach reading. The myth had already been elaborately designed over a significant amount of time, but at the time you believed the propaganda.

The problem became exacerbated when your Draconian Reading First literacy coaches took away your own professional judgement and entered your life with their propaganda of "blending routines",  "fluency", and "decodable books". 

You contributed to the problem when you began picking up your Houghton Mifflin or Open Court textbook and "teaching to the script".  You sat by silently as you watched literature books being thrown away, were told that independent reading of books was "bad" and feared your Reading First coach as if they were an actual administrator.  

When was the first time that you began to question the validity of blending routines, decodable books, "systematic phonics" being taught in isolation? When did you begin to notice that "words per minute" was not the solution to it all? Was it when your students who read more than one hundred words per minute bombed the reading comprehension test on the state reading exam?

This blog is dedicated to all educators, parents, politicians, and other interested parties who bought into the lies of the Reading First camp. This is also a community of Truth, a place where unsuspecting parents and educators will learn to question and challenge the forms of educational malpractice that are being forced upon our innocent children. Please feel free to add your comments and spread the word to other interested people. 

We must resist the educational practices that are currently damaging the lives of our children. Compiling the information in a central location is the first step towards public consciousness of this serious problem. In the future, we will add articles, teacher testimonies, newspaper and research articles, book links, videos, and all other necessary information. If you would like to be a guest blogger or have a suggestion for something that should be added to the blog, please email your suggestions to

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